Stacia with her Uncle Peter and cousin after our wedding. |
Jessica recently wrote a post titled "Why I'm Not Married", which has apparently caused some controversy. It's a short and introspect post, which examines choices that couples get to make - and expectations others have of couples ...
She makes some great points and the post was particular interesting to me since Stacia Kennedy and I were married on the beach in Hawaii earlier this month.
While Jessica has some very good reasons on why she is not married, Stacia and I have even better reasons on why we did get married. When first got together over 4 years ago, it was because we have a lot in common. We are both very much into personal development, social media and are wanting a life much different that what society seems to expect. We are working on designing our awesome lifestyle and making good progress.
Having been married a couple of times before (and being 19 years older than Stacia), getting married was not particularly important to me - EXCEPT that it was important to Stacia - making it important to me.
Although we have not been able to spend much time together in the time that we've been married, we are totally committed to each other and our marriage. Although we have common goals, we each also have our our personal goals - and we support each other in achieving these goals.
We each have an awesome child from previous relationships, but are also planning on having a Monkey Baby (not a real monkey, but a human in the Year of the Monkey) and are looking forward to getting busy on that as soon as we can get some reasonably priced health care (although that might be a pipe dream as long as Obamacare exists). We want to 'home school' our monkey baby, while traveling the world, living a laptop lifestyle (and skiing our asses off).
Marriage is definitely not for everyone, and not yet for Jessica - and that's great. On the other hand, marriage IS for some lifestyle designers like Stacia and myself and we look forward to continuing to design our awesome lifestyles.
What say YOU?
He put a ring on it ;) I am so excited about our awesome lifestyle we are creating.