Friday, November 13, 2015


Big Sky Resort received 30” of snow last week gearing up for a strong open on November 26, 2015 and unveiling three new terrain parks and three new ski runs, adding a few more acres to their already 5,800 plus skiable acres.

For terrain parks, The Cache, an advanced new natural style park is stashed in the trees skier’s left of the Swift Current chair lift line. Its location will allow easy access to and from the newly revamped Swifty Terrain Park
that has received increased acreage and an improved jumpline. The Cache has replaced the traditional Freestyle Forest in the Moonlight area, which has been redeveloped into a family friendly kid’s adventure area named, The Lost Frontier.

The Madison Base Area is scheduled to open December 11, 2015 where Wagon train, off Cinnabar, has been dedicated to two new terrain parks, the new advanced park, Peacemaker, and intermediate park, Maverick, both replacing Zero Gravity and Pony Park Terrain Parks. Peacemaker, will pick up just after the Cinnabar bridge, running all the way down to Glacier Way ski run. Maverick, will begin just off Glacier Way ski run and will be accessible through Peacemaker Park or off Derringer chair lift for quick laps.

The new intermediate glade run, White Magic, is a nod to the classic Warren Miller Film of the same name and has opened about three more acres of terrain accessed via the Swift Current chair lift on the skier’s right of Crazy Horse ski run below the confluence of Buffalo Jump ski run. Another new intermediate glade run is Short Stack, accessed via the top of Derringer chair lift on the skier’s left.

Kids of all ages are going to enjoy whooping it up on the new beginner glade run, Playground, assessed via Swift Current chair lift between Black & Blue and the bottom of Lower Morningstar ski runs and has opened an additional five acres of terrain.

Mountain Operations crews have been busy improving the skiing experience cutting in a new black diamond ski connection, Comet, providing easier access from Outer Limits ski run to the top of Six Shooter chair lift. Machine and saw crews also worked diligently removing re-growth, deadfall, and stumps on ski runs to allow more terrain to open faster.

For more information, visit

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